- Fashion illustrator Ruben Toledo, whose work with his wife Isabel is currently on display at The Museum at FIT, has redesigned the front flaps of three Penguin Classics: The Scarlett Letter, Wuthering Heights, and Pride and Prejudice. More interesting than the old paintings Penguin usually uses, but still a little jarring.
- Aren’t all Fleet Foxes songs sort of in a “haunting, Neil Young- style?” In fact, aren’t most songs being recorded today sort of in that vein? Listen to this new song; “Blue Spotted Tail” from a recent BBC performance, and you can just decide for yourself (at least in the FF’s case), and get all excited for an upcoming release that Pitchfork can give another near-perfect score to.
- Is it bad that upon first glance, I also don’t understand the first six “things Woody Allen doesn’t get?” (Jason)