Yeh, how did Russians get so good at chess?
HTML Giant: Mazel tov on turning one year old.
- Jonathan Franzen is #1!!! (The Millions)
- An interview with Haruki Murakami
- Boston Globe takes a look at “gangster chic“
- The Moby Dick emoticon.
- Stephanie Kuehnert, Author of Ballad of Suburbia, picks “Bastards of Young” as one of her songs on Largehearted Boy’s Book Notes.
- A.V. Club says “here are the rest of the books we think you should read for 2009”. Lame.
- When you see the title “Craziest Town Hall Ever“, you look. (The Daily Beast)
- Carrie Brownstein went to see Marianne Faithful, and wrote about it.
- Is anybody else impressed there is a blog about monster cereal? (via Boing Boing)
- The most disgusting thing ever. Maybe.