
Band Booking: Nicole Atkins

Posted by Jason Diamond

“She has been compared to Roy Orbison and singers from the Brill Building era.” If those words from Nicole Atkins Wikipedia entry doesn’t sell you on her, then we’re sorta sorry for you.  How about a cover of her covering Can?  Does that help?

Listen: Nicole Atkins – “Vitamin C” (Can Cover)

Atkins is a songstress of the highest order, and her choice in books is pretty stellar.  Her new album, Mondo Amore, comes  out Feb. 8th on Razor & Tie.

Did you read anything good this year?

I read a few good ones this year. The ones that stick out are “Chasing Black Rainbows” by Jeremy Reed. Its a fictional book about the life of the playwrite Antonin Artaud as told from the point of view of himself, his psychoanalist, Anais Nin, and June Miller. Filled with a lot of dark yet vibrant poetry and sex. The other book I really liked this year was “Tell the Truth Until they Bleed: Coming Clean in the Dirty World of Blues and Rock n Roll” by Josh Alan Friedman. The book has a lot of great stories about the Brill Building writers, Doc Pomus, a pretty hilarious but sad Ronnie Spector story. Its a great read.

Dare I ask what your favorite books are, and why do you like them so much?

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Its one of the only books Ive read multiple times. Painless hedonism verses suffering yet with true emotions. Its something most people grapple with on the daily.
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. First it’s a great family story and the way its written is so lyrical it plays out in my mind like a gorgeous painting.
Shakey the Neil Young biography by Jimmy McDonough. Neil’s one of my favorite artists and this book made me feel like I knew him.

Do you have any songs inspired by books, poems or short stories?

I’m sure I have lots but off the top of my head my song “The Tower” is thematically based on the story of the Falling Tower in tarot. Also the line “in my ears my blood is just roaring” from The Way it Is is based off a line from 100 Years of Solitude.

Also in this series:

Band Booking: Owen Pallett

Band Booking: Future Islands

Band Booking: Fergus & Geronimo

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  1. Nicole is such a talented singer- just ordered “Mondo Amore” on itunes and really looking forward to it. going to see her in NYC next week!

  2. Thanks for sharing the cover! Just goes to show how much talent that Nicole has. Can’t wait for February 8 to roll on. Already preordered my copy on iTunes!