
Making Memes Is Hard

Posted by Tobias Carroll

Author’s note: I got an email last week from Jason asking me to come up with ideas similar in scope to the recent “Photos of Philip Roth Chilling Out” post. What follows, then, are a list of ideas for followups: all of which, unfortunately, did not last beyond a visit to Google Image Search. Alternately, this is why I’m not “the comedy guy” at Vol.1.

– Paul Auster’s day at the chinchilla farm

– Saul Bellow and Charles Bronson: The Lost Weekend, Brussels, 1982

– Alice Munro — and penguins!

– Robertson Davies: The Clown College Years

– Cynthia Ozick, LARPer

– Joan Didion vs.some lumberjacks

– Tao Lin and the Amazing Dancing Bear