
March 23: Marcy Dermansky, Norman Lock, and Lincoln Michel at The Brooklyn Winery

Vol.1’s monthly reading series returns to the Brooklyn Winery on March 23rd, for an night of readings presented in conjunction with the fine writers, theorists, and critics at Big Other.

When: March 23rd, beginning at 7 PM.
Where: The Brooklyn Winery, 213 North 8th Street, Brooklyn, NY
Who: Marcy Dermansky, Norman Lock, and Lincoln Michel

Facebook RSVP here.

Marcy Dermansky is the author of the novels Bad Marie and Twins. Marcy’s short fiction has been published widely in literal journals and anthologies, including McSweeney’s, Indiana Review, Mississippi Review and Fifty-Two Stories. A former MacDowell fellow, Marcy is the winner of the Smallmouth Press Andre Dubus Novella Award and Story Magazine’s Carson McCullers short story prize.

Norman Lock is the author of The King of Sweden (Ravenna Press), Shadowplay (Ellipsis Press), A History of the Imagination (FC2), ‘The Book of Supplemental Diagrams’ for Marco Knauff’s Universe (Ravenna Press), The Long Rowing Unto Morning (Ravenna Press), Two Plays for Radio (Triple Press), and–writing as George Belden–Land of the Snow Men (from Calamari Press and in Japanese from Kawade Shobo Shinsha).

Lincoln Michel was born in Virginia and lives in NYC. He is a founding editor of Gigantic magazine and the books editor of The Faster Times. His writing appears in NOON, The Believer, Oxford American, Bookforum, elimae,, The Rumpus, Mississippi Review,, Hobart, Mid-American Review and elsewhere.