
Vol. 1 Brooklyn Presents: Two Stellar Upcoming Reading Events!

Posted by Nick Curley

First, it’s with great titillation that we can report a thoroughly rad reading put together by your #1 party planners here at Vol. 1 Brooklyn.  The soiree’s taking place this Sunday at 7pm at Book Thug Nation in Williamsburg (100 N. 3rd between Berry and Wythe), and will feature four savagely brilliant guest readers as part of the ongoing book tour of Jamie Iredell and his latest masterpiece, The Book of Freaks:

  • Jamie Iredell lives in Atlanta, Georgia. His writing has been published enthusiastically and reluctantly in various known and unknown forums. He also wrote a book called Prose. Poems. A Novel. which is very hard to find.
  • Jesse Dorris is a writer, editor, and musician. His fiction has appeared in CONJUNCTIONS and THE SALT RIVER REVIEW, as well as in the anthologies LATIN LOVERS and NEW YORK SEX: STORIES.
  • Julia Jackson is working on her MFA in fiction at Brooklyn College, and is a regular contributor for Electric Literature.

The action starts on time and there is FREE Goose Island Beer being dished out while it lasts.  That’s right, Youth of America: we said Free Beer and stellar writing, all in the comfort of an up-and-coming contender for best bookstore in New York.  Like Henry Freakin’ Rollins says: Do It!

Second order of business: what, aside from obtuse books and Super Bowl Shuffle videos, unites us all ’round here?  We eat.  In fact, we here at Vol. 1 are pretty passionate about meal time.  Naturally we also love to read about food and the journalists who chronicle the art of stuffing faces.  Hence the next edition of disgustingly popular Vol. 1 Three Minute Reading Series!

Wednesday, April 20th at Bar Matchless in Greenpoint, Vol. 1 Brooklyn Presents: The Greatest Three Minute Food Stories!

Thirteen of Brooklyn’s finest food writers each share original works intended that will thrill the appetite, seduce taste buds, and leave us all with stomachs a-growlin’.  This is a stacked lineup of people who seriously know supreme cuisine.  Thrill to the culinary prose of:

  • Stephanie Anderson (WORD Brooklyn)
  • Jami Attenberg (The Melting Season, The Kept Man)
  • James Boo (Serious Eats, The Eaten Path)
  • Tobias Carroll (Vol. 1 Brooklyn)
  • Jared Cohee (Calm of the Niger)
  • Jon Cotner (Ten Walks/Two Talks)
  • Jamie Feldmar (Edible Brooklyn, Time Out New York)
  • Stephanie Klose (Serious Eats)
  • Aaron Lefkove (The Awl, SummerofMegadeth)
  • Adam Lustick (Harvard Sailing Team)
  • Caitlin MacRae (Slice)
  • Tommy Pico (Birdsong)
  • Chichi Wang (Serious Eats, The Offal Cook)

And yes, we do see the humor in doing a show about munchies on 4/20.  We hope to see you stoners in attendance, provided you can find your Metrocard!  (It’s in your wallet.  Which is in your pants.  Which are on the roof.)

No spectator will be left unseasoned!  No food fantasy is too ribald!  This is a reading event fit to stand atop the Food Pyramid!  Suck it, sparingly used fats and oils!

Bar Matchless
557 Manhattan Ave
(G Train to Nassau / L to Bedford)
Wednesday, April 20th