Posted by Jason Diamond
If 1991 was “the year punk broke,” I’d like to think of 2011 as “the year the punk novel broke” with the publication of books like Justin Taylor’s crusty cult epic, The Gospel of Anarchy, Vanessa Veselka’s Zazen; and the most critically acclaimed of all, Ten Thousand Saints, by Eleanor Henderson. I’d also add Tao Lin’s Shoplifting From American Apparel and The Orange Eats Creeps by Grace Krilanovich into this emerging genre, the difference being that they didn’t come out this year.
Ten Thousand Saints is about a wasted teenager living in New York at the onset of the beginning of the end: gentrification. Henderson’s use of the Straight Edge movement is interesting, and as far as writers go, it’s hard to hard to question her ability. Ten Thousand Saints’ weakness comes from an overall feeling of being over-researched, and I can see anyone familiar with the punk/hardcore scene calling foul over her use of that sacred history as fodder for this debut novel. But let’s be honest, the straight edge scene was ripe for the picking. It was a movement that gained plenty of attention for a number of reasons, and Henderson used that appeal to her advantage. She knows that teenage boys swearing off sex is absurd, notes the homoerotic nature of the hardcore scene, and realizes that the period in which she was dealing with was the last time that New York was a seedy place, rich with a million opportunities for adventure. Call her an opportunist, but in my opinion, if nobody else was willing to do it (and do it well), why not Henderson?
But here is my key question: does Henderson’s critical success, coupled with the maturation of a generation nursed by punk, mean the punk novel is here to stay?
(Artwork by Margarita Korol)
I’ve got to read this novel. It’s just got to get done.
Well, complete this sentence: “So the book I’m working on is a lot like Ten Thousand Saints just”—
– set in the jam-band scene?
– about girls not boys?
– combined with a vampire thriller?
If the most popular answer stays in the punk scene then perhaps yes, punk novels will stick around. If not, then perhaps not.
I don’t want to think of a world where jam-band fiction is a thing.
You know it’s coming.
Jamband fiction sounds funny, absurd, and kind of completely terrifying. I actually have a handful of moments from that scene in my own manuscript, too.
As long as it’s treated as funny/absurd, I’m into it. That’s usually my rule of thumb for anything.