
Afternoon Bites: Slice Harvester, Martha Southgate, Chuck Eddy, and more

“…Colin’s reverence for the slice is refreshing. By sticking to slices, Colin has managed to pay homage to food that feels representative of not only New York City, but hoi polloi and punk culture.” At NY Press, Jon Reiss profiles the NYC-based pizza zine Slice Harvester.

  • Martha Southgate on midlist authors over 40: “By the time you get to your third, fourth, fifth major piece of fiction or non-fiction, ideally, you’ve settled into an expansion and deepening of your skills and talents as a writer.”
  • An anthology of criticism from Chuck Eddy is forthcoming; to commemorate it, one can now hear Mr. Eddy in conversation with numerous critical types (including Christopher R. Weingarten and Amy Phillips.) Listen here.