
Morning Bites: Virginia Woolf’s birthday, Occupy stories, a Colbert cocktail, Klosterman goes to Wikipedia, and more

Via Blogging Woolf blog

Virginia Woolf was born on this day in 1882.

  • Chuck Klosterman goes to Wikipedia for clues on tUnE-yArDs personality, then writes an article about her for Grantland.

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  1. Funny, just read this yesterday in Sontag’s “Regarding the Pain of Others”:

    “(It would be inconceivable to Woolf … that one day her face would become a much-reproduced image on T-shirts, coffee mugs, book bags, refrigerator magnets, mouse pads.)”

  2. I’m pretty sure they were made by a band called Princeton. They put out an EP all about Bloomsbury a few years back.

    Brennen: yeah, that quote seemed to foreshadow that (among other things) New Yorker cover from a few weeks back.