Virginia Woolf was born on this day in 1882.
- And since yesterday was Edith Wharton’s birthday, the New York Times takes at great social climbers, and makes the Wharton-Downton Abbey connection.
- The Guardian on Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America.
- Electric Literature unveils the latest in their Single Sentence Animation series.
- Chuck Klosterman goes to Wikipedia for clues on tUnE-yArDs personality, then writes an article about her for Grantland.
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Funny, just read this yesterday in Sontag’s “Regarding the Pain of Others”:
“(It would be inconceivable to Woolf … that one day her face would become a much-reproduced image on T-shirts, coffee mugs, book bags, refrigerator magnets, mouse pads.)”
Who makes those beautiful shirts?
I’m pretty sure they were made by a band called Princeton. They put out an EP all about Bloomsbury a few years back.
Brennen: yeah, that quote seemed to foreshadow that (among other things) New Yorker cover from a few weeks back.
Shit, yeah, Jason, on the NYer cover. My brain hadn’t turned the screw that far.
Yeah, but your mention of the Sontag quote fits nicely alongside the illustration.