“They were dressed in summery short dresses and tights, but brightly colored balaclavas masked their faces. Dancing frantically to keep warm, they launched into a song that could be delicately titled “Putin Got Scared,” though the lyrics in Russian were ruder than that.” – Pussy Riot, our new favorite band on the planet, gets profiled by NPR.
- Gary Shteyngart, Douglas Rushkoff, and a bunch of other smart folks weigh in on Facebook $5 billion dollar IPO at Motherboard.
- At Tablet: Adam Kirsch on Nathan Englander with appearances by Kafka, Babel, and Roth.
- “He’s the reason Metallica, Conan the Barbarian, and Zelda can comfortably hold hands.” – HiLowbrow pays tribute to fantasy illustrator Frank Frazetta.
- Natalie Portman and Terrence Malick are going to be doing a lot of work together.
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