We Want You To Win Some Emma Straub

Do you remember the “This Is Your Brain On Drugs” PSAs from the 1980s?  We’d like to discuss a similar campaign that focuses on a life without Emma Straub, and also do what we can to help bring Emma Straub into the lives of those who have not met her in person, tried her baking, or read her collection of stories, Other People We Married (Riverhead).  Start by reading the interview we did with her way back when, and then consider entering our contest to win a free autographed copy of O.P.W.M. so you can bring Emma into your home, and also have a collectors item that you can show your kids and grandkids. 

You have two ways to win:

1. Go on Twitter and tell us.  Say “Hey @Vol1Brooklyn, I want #OPWM by @EmmaStraub,” and we will pick two winners tomorrow afternoon.

2.  Tell us in the comments below.  Not so hard.  Just say, hey, I’d like an autographed copy of Ms. Straub’s book.  Could I get one?  We will take it into consideration.  You have till Monday to do this.

That’s it.  That is all you need to do.  One of those two very simple things.

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  1. I wanted to read this ANYWAY – so I’m kinda excited by the prospect of not only getting a copy – but an AUTOGRAPHED COPY?! Hells to the yes.

  2. Winning a copy of Other People We Married would be fantastic; winning an *autographed* copy would be icing on the cake! I’d love to read this.

  3. Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I blew a bunch of money on books and somehow forgot to add this to the pile. Also, I love brownies. That must count for something.

  4. I’d like an autographed copy of Ms. Straub’s book. Could I get one? This book looks great !