
The Allure Of The Rust Belt


In the forward to the new anthology of Cleveland, Ohio stories, “Rust Belt Chic,” the editors Richey Piiparinen and Anne Trubek describe Rust Belt Chic as, “churches and work plants hugging the same block. It is ethnic as all hell. It is the Detroit sound of Motown. It is Cleveland punk. It is getting vintage t-shirts and vinyl for a buck that are being sold to Brooklynites for the price of Manhattan metal.”

I’ve made mention of my fascination with things like rusted out post-industrial buildings from my own park of the Midwest in the past, but from what little I’ve read of the anthology that I just purchased, Piiparinen and Trubek strive to make the batch of stories about so much more than that.

The two editors recently teamed up to write a piece for the Atlantic’s “Cities” site, “The Perils of Rust Belt Memes,” and it should give you more than enough incentive to pick up a copy for yourself.

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