Morning Bites: Demon Shirts, Redeeming Hitchens, Pynchon Revealed, Sontag Bio, Elissa Schappell, and More


So Thomas Pynchon’s new book takes place in Manhattan’s Silicon Alley. That means you may or many not have eaten a falafel while sitting next to Pynchon while he did research in Manhattan. 

Benjamin Moser will be writing the authorized biography of Susan Sontag.

Elissa Schappell talks with The Millions.

The Daily Beast on the “tawdry” new book about Christopher Hitchens.

Because the first one wasn’t fun enough, an Australian mining mogul is building an exact replica of the Titanic.

Did you know you could pick up demons when you buy shirts from thrift stores? No? We had no clue either.

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