
Afternoon Bites: Big Boys Reissues, Unborrowed Books, Molly Crabapple, Taylor on Gaddis, and More

“Big Boys shows were notoriously fun, and most touring punk bands found themselves under the band’s spell. Thumb through live pics of the band and you’ll see the husky Biscuit in drag, or else in shredded skate clothes. Sometimes dressed as a Daisy Dukes-wearing cowboy or in a wig and pink polyester. A Mexican wrestler or a mummy.” Andy Beta on the legacy of the Big Boys, whose music is being reissued via Light in the Attic.

Inside the Library of Unborrowed Books.

“This William Gaddis, though harder to root for, is more interesting to read about, and one wishes he had a larger role in the Letters—though of course it is ludicrous to fault Gaddis for failing to describe his own worst selves to his own closest confidantes, who doubtless hardly needed to be told.” Justin Taylor on The Letters of  William Gaddis.

Molly Crabapple’s exhibit Shell Game sounds fascinating.

“The titles of each track are drawn from Nazi Literature In The Americas, a novel by Chilean Roberto Bolaño, and the sounds Haber draws upon will be quite familiar to you if you’ve listened much to the solo recordings of Oren Ambarchi, Jim O’Rourke, Robert Fripp, Lee Ranaldo and (of course) Thurston Moore.” Bill Meyer on the latest from Charbel Haber.

Steve Reich channeling Radiohead.

Talking with the folks behind the Tournament of Books.

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