
Afternoon Bites: Southern California Hardcore, Lauren Groff Interviewed, Prince Master Class, Literary Bestseller Economics, and More


“These pages are replete with stories about battles with cops, long afternoons surfing and skateboarding, being driven around on the freeways by the “only one with a license,” bass guitars thrust through frat house windows, and nights at the unofficial “Mecca” of the scene, the Oki Dog.” Brian Kim Stefans on We Got Power!

Ed Champion is planning a 3,000-mile “conversational journey” across the United States.

Jessica Luther on feminism in romance novels.

Touré on Questlove on Prince.

Guernica talked with Lauren Groff.

Patrick Wensink on the economics of literary fiction (and what having an Amazon bestseller did for him.)

Brandon Stosuy interviewed Kylesa.

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