
Morning Bites: Blake Butler’s “Blood,” Chinua Achebe’s Possible Nobel, Claire Vaye Watkins, Paris In The 70s, And More


A little literary magazine called the New York Times has published Blake Butler’s “Blood.” 

“sometimes I do get, Oh this very dainty girl has written a very gritty book, and that’s probably my least favorite response to it; sometimes people have very strange responses to my age and gender and my photo— “You seem so nice in your picture, but then you’re writing about sex.” I want to say, “Hey, nice girls get there, too!”- Claire Vaye Watkin talks with Page Turner .

1986 Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka finds the calls for a posthumous Nobel Prize for Literature for fellow Nigerian author Chinua Achebe to have “gone beyond ‘sickening'” and become “obscene and irreverent.

Charles Bukowski narrates a 1990 documentary.

Paris in the 1970s.

A quirky British castle built by a Victorian era inventor.

The warmer months mean that it is time to start drinking gin.

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