
Afternoon Bites: Ballard and Burroughs, Dead Moon Reissues, Sam Pink’s New Novel, Jesse Ball, and More


At Pitchfork, Jenn Pelly talked about Dead Moon’s discography being reissued.

Michelle Dean on Inside Llewyn Davis‘s dearth of Oscar nominations.

“J. G. Ballard and William S. Burroughs have come to signify a certain Janus-faced Titan of the leftfield literary counter-culture, emblematic of an unique and unsettling mind set…” At 3:AMBen Granger on this pair of writers.

Katherine A. Powers on Diane Johnson’s Flyover Lives.

Leah Finnegan’s essay “Send, Dad” is highly recommended.

JW McCormack reviewed Jesse Ball’s Silence Once Begun at The New Inquiry.

And here’s an excerpt from Sam Pink’s next novel.

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