
Afternoon Bites: Elena Ferrante, Sun Kil Moon’s Latest, Burroughs Facts, Pamuk’s Istanbul, and More


“This is the Vlautin heartland: stories of the kinds of people that the very rich would no doubt despise and dismiss, living painful lives, finding odd moments of kindness in the early hours of the morning over a bag of doughnut holes – but there is no sense of Vlautin treading ground.” Bookmunch on The Free.

Touring Istanbul with Orhan Pamuk.

Bookforum on The Story of a New Name, the latest from Elena Ferrante.

Benji sounds more like Kozelek relating events instead of crafting them, which makes the continuity and reflexivity of the record feel both uncanny and the work of protracted genius.” At Pitchfork, Ian Cohen on Sun Kil Moon’s new album.

Bedford + Bowery collected 12 little-known facts about William S. Burroughs.

Ben Marcus was interviewed at Full Stop.

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