
Afternoon Bites: Kaitlyn Greenidge, Eileen Myles on Social Media, Kashana Cauley Nonfiction, Against Me!’s Latest, and More

Kaitlyn Greenidge explores questions of writers working outside of their own experience.

Kashana Cauley has a new essay at Catapult about race and class in Milwaukee. She was also interviewed by Catapult’s Mensah Demary.

The Creative Independent has made its debut with a new piece by Eileen Myles.

Maris Kreizman has nonfiction up at the New York Times.

James Boice created a playlist inspired by his novel The Shooting.

At Pitchfork, Brad Nelson reviewed the new album by Against Me!.

There’s a fundraiser going on to support the record and soda shop run by City Gardens’ Randy Now.

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