
Currents, an Interview Series with Brian Alan Ellis (Episode 13: Troy James Weaver)

Troy James Weaver

TROY JAMES WEAVER is the author of Visions (Broken River, 2015), Witchita Stories (Future Tense, 2015), Marigold (King Shot, 2016), Temporal (Disorder Press, 2018), and Selected Stories (Apocalypse Party, 2020). He lives in Wichita, Kansas, with his wife and dogs.

My current favorite authors are: Kawabata, James Purdy, Jon Lindsey, Steve Anwyll, Scott McClanahan, Shy Watson, Steven Arcieri, Cory Bennet, Graham Irvin, Bud Smith, Joseph Grantham, Mik Grantham, Elle Nash, Juilet Escoria, Petronius, Dennis Cooper, Big Bruiser Dope Boy, Jim Carroll, Jean Genet, Nathanael West, and Amy Hempel.

My current favorite film is: Out of the Blue.

My current favorite director is: Dennis Hopper.

My current favorite actor is: Linda Manz.

My current favorite television show is: Seinfeld.

My current favorite band is: Sparklehorse… or Joy Division… same old shit I’ve always listened to, to be honest.

My current state of mind is: insane.

My current chemical romance involves: [REDACTED]

My current favorite word or phrase is: “Grahamuscript.”

My current mode of transportation is: a work van.

My current favorite fast food establishment is: Dog N Shake, in Kansas. I like the pickle fries. Good burgers. They only do onions, relish, and mustard. I dig the simplicity.

My current workout routine consists of: [REDACTED]

My current regrettable decision involves: forgetting to write for a year. But at the end of the year, I wrote a piece in two days and placed it within a week at probably the biggest lit magazine I’ve ever been in. And I’m getting paid. So I’m back to writing again.

My current hopes and dreams are: WTF.

My current projects include: being in a band called Ponyboy.


Troy James Weaver is online at

Brian Alan Ellis runs House of Vlad Press, and is the author of several books, including Sad Laughter (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2018). His writing has appeared at Juked, Hobart, Fanzine, Monkeybicycle, Electric Literature, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Funhouse, Heavy Feather Review, and Yes Poetry, among other places. He lives in Florida.

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