
Franz Nicolay Hips World and Publisher (Me) as to What’s Next

Over at Largehearted Boy, Mr. Nicolay discusses the future, and I get excited. Karan Kanan Correa: What can we expect from the next set of stories? Please no more pigeons. Franz Nicolay: How do you feel about magicians? And moose? In all seriousness – I’m trying to connect the two worlds you refer to in the previous question. Since “CGT” is the first in a series of chapbooks, there’s more material in that vein. I guess I’ve reached a point […]

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S.J. Perelman’s Birthday and Catch-22

It was sort of a coincidence that I stumbled upon the fact that S.J. Perelman was born today in 1904 (he died in 1979), but going and checking out his Wikipedia page wasn’t — it’s something I usually do when I find out it’s the anniversary of someones birth or death. With all this talk about “comic novels“, I’ve been getting more and more interested in reading older humor pieces, and have taken a serious interest in Perelman’s work.  Considering […]

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