
Cover Reveal: Matthew Binder’s “Pure Cosmos Club”

"Pure Cosmos Club"

We’re pleased to present the cover art for Matthew Binder‘s forthcoming novel Pure Cosmos Club, available now for pre-order as both a trade paperback and a hardcover via Stalking Horse Press.

The press’s description? “In this biting satire, Matthew Binder takes surreal aim at the poses and pretensions of high art and fashion. With ruthless wit, Binder chronicles the struggles of Paul, an eccentric artist, and his companion dog, a disabled, quiche-obsessed terrier-mix named Blanche. Together they negotiate hilarious scenes of bad parties, bizarre couture, deranged friends, shady deals, unrequired love, sabotage, and inscrutable art. But there may be a way out for Paul when he meets James, a New Age guru and leader of a secretive cult: the Pure Cosmos Cub. Yet, every time Paul believes he’s ready for the “Ultimate Level,” James raises the price of entry. Just how far will Paul go for love, for art, and to attain cosmic oneness?”

For the full cover image and a statement from artist Keith Rondinelli, read on…

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Announcing Erin Morgenstern’s Gatsby-Inspired Contribution to “The Literary Tarot”

Gatsby tarot

Tarot cards have played a significant role in a host of books over the years. The Literary Tarot, a new endeavor from Brink Literacy Project, puts a different spin on the relationship between the Tarot deck and the literary world. The contributors, including the likes of Kelly Link, Victor LaValle, and Kieron Gillen, paired specific books with specific cards, each one illustrating a deeper connection between the book’s themes and those of the card in question.

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Presenting Joseph Di Prisco’s Introduction for “Simpsonistas: Tales from the Simpson Literary Project (Vol. 2)”

Simpson cover

We’re pleased to publish Joseph Di Prisco’s introduction to the new anthology Simpsonistas: Tales from the Simpson Literary Project (Vol. 2). Di Prisco edited the volume; he’s also the Founding Chair of The Simpson Literary Project. The Simpson Literary Project has two objectives: “lasting educational outreach into schools, universities, and libraries, as well as celebrating and supporting authors across a great spectrum: from fledging young writers to mid-career writers of distinction to internationally celebrated authors.” In this essay, Di Prisco explores the recent state of literature and the work this nonprofit is doing. 

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Dismantling Artistic Borders: On “Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being”

Jarry manuscript

Throughout his life, Alfred Jarry rarely held still. His is a body of work which defies easy classification, even in its more granular forms. As a writer alone, Jarry’s writings include fiction, plays, essays, and philosophy — and his work as a writer only accounts for a fraction of the art created in his 34 years on this planet. 

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Chocolate : The Heat of Our Thoughts — An Excerpt From Lance Olsen’s “My Red Heaven”

"My Red Heaven" cover

Lance Olsen’s new novel My Red Heaven follows a host of characters in Berlin over the course of one day in 1927. At times, Olsen’s prose tells of artistic breakthroughs; at others, such as the excerpt featured here, he gradually takes the reader into a more nightmarish space. In the midst of Modernism’s rise, Olsen pays homage to Modernist writing, even as he pushes onwards into haunting historical vistas. My Red Heaven will be released by Dzanc Books on January 21st.

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Get Retro in the “Motherless Brooklyn” Trailer

Poster for the film adaptation of "Motherless Brooklyn"

The film adaptation of Jonathan Lethem’s 1999 novel Motherless Brooklyn has been in the works for a while. In a 2010 interview, Edward Norton said, “I think I would definitely like to act in it but the directing thing I think we’ll have to wait and see.” Things have changed since then: for the finished film, Norton served as writer, director, and star. Much like the character he once voiced on The Simpsons, Norton is indeed a triple threat.

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