
Respect for Robert Lowe

Gyromancy, is a collaborative effort between Robert A.A. Lowe, and Rose Lazar, featuring artwork by both, and music by Lowe.  The book is part of Thrill Jockey’s book and mini cd series, and I happened to pick one up at a performance of Lowe’s a few months back for his solo project, Lichens. I’ve been an admirer of Lowe’s work since his time in the criminally underrated 90 Day Men, and have always been blown away by his output since […]

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Swill Children Not Going to Shake Things Up Too Much

Last week on Impose, I wrote about Jesse Hlebo starting up his new label, Swill Children.  While I wasn’t 100% sure what he meant by “label”, I knew it had something to do with music, and I had hoped Hlebo would continue to produce the wonderful _ Quarterly which I discussed in August.  He cleared everything up in an e mail. The label is called Swill Children and I’m referring to it as an umbrella, since it encompasses many things […]

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