
Adrienne Rich Was My Connection

As a high school teacher with copious amounts of time on my hand, I availed myself of a surprisingly ample high school library. There, I found the works of Adrienne Rich in an anthology put together by venerable critic Helen Vendler. Before Rich, I never connected to poetry. I read enough of it as an English Major, but I always felt dissuaded by its gnomic code. With the help of Vendler I began to crack the the hieroglyphics of poetry and […]

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Morning Bites: Adrienne Rich, Hitchens Longlisted, Jandek, James Brown Biography, and More

  A James Brown biography is out, and it’s supposed to be pretty good. Adrienne Rich passed away yesterday.  The New York Times obituary, NPR’s Morning Edition on Rich, and Judy Berman at Flavorwire. Autumn Whitefield-Madrano at The New Inquiry on The Hunger Games. Christopher Hitchens is longlisted for the Orwell Prize. At 17 Dots: Jason takes a look at a band called Literature. Pretty much nobody likes LGBT workplace discrimination. Jandek played some more shows in Brooklyn.  The mystique is […]

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