
Gary Lutz has a Great Writer Name. (And is a Pretty Damn Good Writer as Well)

Posted by Jason Diamond I’ve had the fourth installment of Agriculture Reader sitting on my desk at home for months, and sadly, since I don’t have A/C, I’ve been camping out at my girlfriends house, and neglecting to read it. I finally remembered to grab it, and as I read through it carefully, so not to damage the beautifully designed journal, I realized something I’ve been wanting to say for a while now: Gary Lutz in not only a fine […]

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Weekend Bites: The Whale Reviewed, Hitchens on Animal Farm, Shields on Colbert, PJ Harvey Doing Zoetrope, and More

Philip Hoare’s The Whale is reviewed. Christopher Hitchens revisits Animal Farm. David Shields meets Colbert Great Gatsby meets the NBA playoffs. New issue of Agriculture Reader is out.  We interviewed the people behind it for their last issue. Kevin Sampsell made a bunch of videos of AWP. Bookworm interviews Elif Bautman. PJ Harvey is designing an upcoming issue of Zoetrope: All Story. Another guide for living like Holden Caulfield. Neutral Milk Hotel + ukulele =’s great happiness.

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Labor Day Bites: Tolstoy Street/Dostoevsky Ave., Blago’s memoirs, Agriculture Reader gets cheap, organic farms in Greenpoint, and more.

We’ve been doing our best to talk about how much New Yorkers read on the subway, and we used the title “24 Anna Karenina readers can’t be wrong” to highlight the New York Times coverage of citizens of Gotham and their literary choices while commuting.  The Millions also took the Russian lit. route, but instead of Tolstoy Street, they went down Dostoevsky Ave. Is ex-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich the next great wordsmith?  No chance, but his memoirs are out, and […]

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Conversation: Agriculture Reader No. 3

A warm and welcoming term, “agriculture” at its simplest cultivates and gives way to growth, in turn providing food and other fundamental necessities. And the writing in this annual arts journal, as well as Joey Parlett’s artwork, is in this sense fantastically cohesive and naturally grown, cultivated with care from the minds of thirty talented contributors. Nearly every piece embraces an introspective, philosophical undertone, while at the same time maintaining a naturalness characteristic to writing that has sprung organically from […]

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