As a typical monolingual American, I am in awe of book translators. Their task is so monumental—to bring meaning from one entire linguistic context to another—and they accomplish it with so little fanfare or attention. When the book is unusually strange or challenging, presumably the work of translating it is equally so. And when the book plays on the profession and actions of a translator, is it even possible to make the leap from one native tongue to another?
Afternoon Bites: “Revenge of the Translator,” Noémi Lefebvre, Machado de Assis Revisited, Babak Lakghomi Fiction, and More
In our afternoon reading: thoughts on translation and narrative, reviews of books by Noémi Lefebvre and Machado de Assis, and more.
Morning Bites: Emma Ramadan and Brice Matthieussent, Dev Hynes Interviewed, Glenn Jones’s Latest, and More
In our morning reading: a look at the process of translation, Gabino Iglesias on collaboration, a review of Glenn Jones’s new album, and more.