
Vol.1 Brooklyn’s June 2018 Book Preview

As June approaches, the temperatures outside are rising, and various dreams of a long spring are dashed until next year. June also brings with it a host of books we’ve been eager to read for a while now, including new books by longtime favorites, structurally bold works that take literature into new places, and short fiction that ventures into surreal and sinister places. Here’s a look at some of the books we’re most excited about for June.

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Mid-Year 2016: The Year’s Best Fiction (So Far)

Putting together this list of standout fiction published so far this year wasn’t an easy task, mostly because it could just as easily have been twice as long. It’s been a very good year for fiction, whether your tastes head more towards classical storytelling, or narrative innovation, or incisive societal observations. What follows is a list of some of the books published in the first half of 2016 that have impressed us the most. 

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s May 2016 Book Preview

May brings with it a host of noteworthy books that have caught our eye. Some are the latest works from authors who have become favorites over the years; others are structurally bold, socially relevant, or intensely disconcerting. (In some cases, they may be some combination of the above.) It’s going to be a good month for books, whether you’re looking for an illuminating take on music or an unsettling ghost story. Here are some of the books due out in […]

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Announcing Camille Perri and Jason Diamond in Conversation at Community Bookstore

We’re excited to be hosting Camille Perri at Community Bookstore with her debut novel, The Assistants. In their review of The Assistants, Publishers Weekly called it “a smart and fresh novel,” and J. Courtney Sullivan dubbed it “9 to 5 for the student loan generation.” At the event, Perri will be in conversation with Vol.1 Brooklyn founder Jason Diamond.

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