
A David Foster Wallace Roundup

There’s a pretty good chance you’ve noticed that today would have been David Foster Wallace’s birthday.  Here’s a roundup of some DFW news and pieces that we think you should probably read in case you haven’t already.

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Rose Peddles – The Best of Charlie Rose Interviewing Authors: Slavoj Žižek

Posted by Nick Curley Case File: Slavoj Zizek Air Date: October 26th, 2011 Botanica (Summary): In his first appearance on the show, Zizek – Slovenia’s hottest Lacanian philosopher – praises PBS from right outta the gate, while sporting the look and gesticulations of a Muppet born of the Children’s Television Workshop.  This meeting of the minds came last week in the midst of Zizek’s brief but storied tour of our fair city, which included transcribed speeches at St. Mark’s Bookshop […]

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Rose Peddles: The Best of Charlie Rose Interviewing Authors.

Posted by Nick Curley May 26th, 1995: Norman Mailer. Summary: Today would have been Lee Harvey Oswald’s seventy-first birthday.  From the 92nd Street Y, Mailer hypes his conspiracy theories about JFK’s death towards his book Oswald’s Tale.  Branching out of the studio forces a younger, more genteel Rose to serve as soothsaying moderator.  Highlights include Mailer’s thoughts of an increasingly cynical media, predictions for the long-term effects of the OJ trial, “spiritual ecology” post-Vietnam, and his explication on what the […]

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Weekend Bites: Cusack as Poe, White Writers From NY, Smart Cities, Glenn Beck/Lady Gaga, and More

At A.V. Club: After years of playing the same sad sack misanthrope we’ve all come to know and love, John Cusack will play Edgar Allan Poe. At Harpers:  The most expensive BBQ ever. At Jacket Copy: 12 literary oddities available on Ebay. At Impose: Julia Holmes tells us what she’s read recently. At The Faster Times: Lincoln Michel weighs in on the NY Times love of white dudes issue. At HTMLGIANT: Jimmy Chen is on a roll.  First it was […]

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