
Afternoon Bites: Parnassus Books Year One, Adapting “Wild” and “Under the Dome,” Inside “Discordia,” and More

Writer Laurie Penny and illustrator Molly Crabapple talked with Bitch about their collaboration Discordia, Christopher Hitchens, Djuna Barnes, and more. Ann Patchett on the first year in the life of her bookstore Parnassus Books. Jay Bulger on making a documentary about legendary drummer Ginger Baker. Molly Ringwald is interviewed by the Los Angeles Review of Books. Nick Hornby is adapting Cheryl Strayed’s Wild for the big screen. And Brian K. Vaughan is adapting Stephen King’s Under the Dome for television. Edward Champion looks into the […]

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Afternoon Bites: Louis Kahn’s FDR Memorial, Reviewing “Building Stories,” Cheryl Strayed Interviewed, and More

Looking at the life of Louis Kahn and the new Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island. Douglas Wolk has good things to say about Chris Ware’s Building Stories at the New York Times. Natasha Khan talked with Pitchfork about the new Bat for Lashes album. Laurie Hertzel interviewed Nick Flynn. The Paris Review‘s Sadie Stein talked with The Atlantic about their new anthology. The Millions spoke with Cheryl Strayed. Jacob Silverman on David Nutt’s Drugs Without the Hot Air. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and […]

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Afternoon Bites: Conversing With Cheryl Strayed, Breece D’J Pancake, New Nick Harkaway, And More

Nick Harkaway’s The Blind Giant is out today in the UK. Gina Frangello talks to Cheryl Strayed at Bookslut. Sasha Frere-Jones on the twentieth anniversary of Pavement’s Slanted & Enchanted. Anna Pulley on Chloe Caldwell’s Legs Get Led Astray. Dan Wickett looks at the work of Breece D’J Pancake for Short Story Month. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.

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Housing Works Hosts “A Wild Night” With Sugar

On a surprisingly brisk late-March evening, the Housing Works Bookstore Cafe abounded with writers, musicians, and other literary types. The dedication of the evening — co-sponsored by Housing Works and McNally Jackson — was to the work of Cheryl Strayed, and while the timing corresponded to the release of her memoir Wild, the event’s theme focused on her “Dear Sugar” columns for The Rumpus. (A collection of these, titled Tiny Beautiful Things, will be published later this summer by Vintage.) Late […]

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Morning Bites: Biggie and Bukowski, Melissa Broder, New Role For The 1%, NBCC Winners, and More

Ornette Coleman was born on this day in 1930. Charles Bukowski and Biggie Smalls died on this day. Geoff Dyer, Edith Pearlman, and the rest of the NBCC winners. Melissa Broder talks to Mark Asch at L Magazine. The New Republic is purchased by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes. A film adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s Wild is in the works. “They have the power and the money, they own our government, and they won’t go down without taking everyone and everything else […]

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Morning Bites: We Know Who Dear Sugar Is, Jeremy Lin Magical Realism, Tintin Returns, And More

“Book designer and metal type master Russell Maret has begun a fundraising campaign on Kickstarterto try to raise $25,000 to have Micah Currier engrave and cast a new proprietary metal type family at the Dale Guild Type Foundry.” – Via Imprint. Sugar is revealed!  Sally Errico at The New Yorker talks to Cheryl Strayed about being the mysterious advice giver on The Rumpus. Deborah Eisenberg and Wallace Shawn read Gregor von Rezzori’s An Ermine in Czernopol at the Center for Fiction on February 22nd. […]

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