
Indexing: On Spark, Comyns, Judt, Buckley 2X, Steve Martin, y más!

Tobias Carroll When I was in the midst of my holiday shopping, I picked up a copy of Muriel Spark’s Not to Disturb at Brooklyn’s Greenlight Bookstore. I read (and was floored by) Spark’s Memento Mori earlier in the year; Not to Disturb is a bit less resonant but deeply enjoyable. It’s very Gothic — locked rooms, sinister plots, and multiple references to “him in the attic” — but there’s a Richard Lester-esque briskness at work as well.

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Christopher Buckley Just Made a new Best Friend

Christopher Buckley is blown away by Tom Rachman’s boyish good looks and also really likes his book, The Imperfectionists: “I still haven’t answered that question, nor do I know how someone so young — Rachman turns out to be 35, though he looks even younger in his author photo — could have acquired such a precocious grasp of human foibles.”

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