
Deckfight Gets Into the E-Publishing Business

Posted by Jason Diamond Our favorite son of the South, Josh Spilker, has turned it up a notch over at Deckfight, and started a new indie press.  Josh will be publishing e-chapbooks and is asking for donations of whatever you can spare. So far Spilker has published his own piece, “About Mr. Warren,” and “Supercomputer” by Jordan Castro.  We’re excited to see what else he’s got cooking.

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Emily Gould Causes Blogger Existential Crisis

Obviously there is love between Vol. 1 Brooklyn/Impose/Josh Spilker (Deckfight).  This is why after read Josh’s thoughts on Emily Gould and her new book, And the Heart Says Whatever, I became worried about the guy.  I have these (very meta) visions of Josh sitting under a tree in the Carolinas (North or South, you pick), giving this subject too much thought, sweating nervously as he types away: I don’t get memoirs about how a big blog treated you badly. I […]

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