
Morning Bites: Sontag’s Journals, James Bond’s Beer, Newsies Musical, Google Glasses, and More

Imprint on the early 1960s German design magazine Die Mappe (above) and HTML Giant on Fuck You, A Magazine of the Arts. Adam Kirsch at Tablet on Susan Sontag’s second volume of journals.  Also, there’s that time Sontag wore a bear suit. Edith Zimmerman talks to Eileen Myles at The Hairpin. James Bond drinking beer?  What is this world coming to??? Rex Reed likes the Newsies musical.  Anybody up for a field trip? Is anybody going to be caught dead wearing […]

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Morning Bites: Lee “Scratch” Perry, Miles Klee Mix, Zimmerman And Zambreno, Lynch To Bolaño, And More

Today is Lee “Scratch” Perry’s birthday. Jacob Silverman reviewed Laszlo Krasznahorkai’s Satantango for The New York Times Book Review, and then provided a handy roundup of Krasznahorkai around the web. Edith Zimmerman talks to Kate Zambreno over at The Hairpin. Connecting a Blue Velvet frame to a Bolaño story. Ted Gioia’s “Year of Magical Reading” brings him to Like Water For Chocolate. Miles Klee give Electric Literature a mixtape. Here’s a Flickr page full of post-punk flyers. Arcade Fire hung around Austin after […]

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Morning Bites: Didion changing lives, Zachary Schomburg’s sells mad poetry, Emily Books, and more

“If there’s ever a time in your life to read early Joan Didion, it’s when you’re young and thoroughly disenchanted with a place.” – S.J. Culver at The Millions. At The Hairpin, Edith Zimmerman talks with Emily Gould and Ruth Curry about Emily Books. Zachary Schomburg’s two books of poetry on Black Ocean sells 10,000 copies. That’s a lot of poetry. Books “about secrets and other scary stuff” review over at Rookie.

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