Sunday Stories: “In despair? JESUS is your hope”


In despair? JESUS is your hope
by Elise Arancio

In despair? JESUS is your hope

reads the billboard from the side of the highway.

The billboard has reached its target audience. I am in despair. I am driving to my mother’s house for Easter, which is located thirty minutes south of nowhere. I have to drive six hours to get there, because I live somewhere.

The highway stretches in front of me, gray and impossible, like it’s being theatrically unfurled from a magician’s sleeve. Except there is no magic here. There is only the maroon Buick riding my bumper, and the middle finger its driver gives me when I press on the brakes to piss him off.

I think about close to nothing for a while, let the thick hum of the engine fill the space between my close to nothing thoughts.

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