
The Genesis of “Afro-Centered Futurisms”

Afro-Centered Futurisms...

Afro-Centered Futurisms: A vibrant and approachable book by award-winning authors of black speculative fiction
n essay by Eugen Bacon


It started with a read: Literary Afrofuturism in the Twenty-First Century by Isiah Lavender III and Lisa Yaszek (eds), published by Ohio State University Press. I put down this book and contemplated it.

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Two Excerpts From Eugen Bacon’s Collection “A Place Between Waking and Forgetting”

"A Place Between Waking and Forgetting"

Today, we’re pleased to present an excerpt from Eugen Bacon’s new collection A Place Between Waking and Forgetting, set to be published later this month. Its publisher, Raw Dog Screaming Press, describes it as “dark speculative fiction, an Afro-Irreal collection in which transformative stories of culture, diversity, climate change, unlimited futures, collisions of worlds, mythology, and more, inhabit.”

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The Art of Collaboration: Eugen Bacon and Andrew Hook on “Secondhand Daylight”

"Secondhand Daylight" cover

Every writer writes each book a little differently from the one before it. When authors collaborate on a novel, that sense of reinvention increases exponentially. For collaborators Andrew Hook and Eugen Bacon, creating the new book Secondhand Daylight involved challenges large and small. The two writers discussed their process for working together on a very distinctive novel of time travel, and shared an excerpt from it as well.

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