
Weekend Bites: Buddy Holly Negotiates, Boozy Writers, Shteyngart Gets Questioned, Patti Smith Podcast, A Bunch of Salinger, and More

Buddy Holly negotiates a contract. Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, Anne Sexton, and other famous literary drunks and addicts. I interviewed Gary Shteyngart over at Jewcy.  He calls Isaac Bashevis Singer “nuts”. Cassettes From My Ex does Largehearted Boy’s Book Notes. Trying to get lucky? Try Goethe. Patti Smith and Rebecca Newberger Goldstein on the Book Review podcast. Remembering Salinger Dave Eggers Felicia Sullivan Salinger and the butcher. Andy Borowitz says “Hollywood Eager to Finally Fuck Up Catcher in the Rye“ […]

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Random Thanksgiving Bites: Punk Photographers, Victorian Veggies, Leftovers, Thankful for Kerouac, and More

On this Thanksgiving, Glen E. Friedman tells you to celebrate the holiday with a little reality check.  We will oblige. Long before Jonathan Safran Foer wrote a book about it, “vegetarianism was a Victorian ‘lifestyle’ with several vegetarian restaurants in London in the late century“. The Faster Times review Safran Foer’s latest book, and call it “a real downer.” For all you carnivores out there, The Young and Hungry have their turkey, and Felicia Sullivan has a chocolate caramel cheesecake […]

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Bites: Mobycons, Gaiman’s Twitter, The Road, Bo Diddley’s beat, and more

Some guy at NYU “intends to turn all 6,438 sentences of the great Herman Melville (Moby-Dick)opus into Japanese Emoji, rather picturesque emoticons that are on most handsets in Japan.” Lit. Lit Drift talks about Neil Gaiman’s Twitter fiction contest. Melville House named best small press of the year! Maud Newton talks R. Crumb and Chick tract’s. Featherproof Books has an iPhone app. (thanks The Scowl) The Millions gives us a comedic translation of The Road. L Magazine talks to writer […]

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