
Frank Lloyd Wright Chic

In what might be our favorite series of photos to show off spring styles, Town & Country ventured out west to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West to capture looks that “infuse architectural minimalism with bohemian flair.” Check out the entire series in the latest issue, or you can just click here. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + our Tumblr, and sign up for our mailing list.  

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Bites: Edith Wharton, James Wood, Twitter, Holden Caulfield, Frank Lloyd Wright

After just finishing an Edith Wharton, it now seems the nineteenth-century satirist is popping up everywhere. In the upcoming New Yorker, Rebecca Mead writes about Wharton’s early letters to her governess, some of which will be up for auction at Christie’s on Wednesday. James “King James” Wood is surprisingly charming in this LA Weekly interview. On being well-read: I never seem very well-read to myself — I only notice the gaps, the thin bits, the bald patches (yes, the analogy […]

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