
“The Music Is The Biography”: Jenn Pelly on Writing About The Raincoats

I’ve enjoyed Jenn Pelly‘s writing about music and pop culture for a while now; when the announcement was first made a few years ago, I was very excited to hear that she’d be writing about The Raincoats as part of the 33 1/3 series. This fall, Pelly’s book on The Raincoats was published, and it was everything I’d hoped for: a solid history of the band’s early days, an insightful look into the band’s creative process, and a book that […]

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Morning Bites: Updating DFW, Robber Barons, Zadie’s First Lines, Frank Ocean and More

Journalistically speaking, there is no hot news to offer you about Roger Federer. He is, at 25 30, the best tennis player currently alive. – Updating David Foster Wallace’s “Federer as Religious Experience.” Originally published in 2006. The Millions have the first lines of Zadie Smith’s NW. Updike’s Bech stories reviewed at The New Republic. America’s first female robber barron. The New York Times profiles Frank Ocean. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.

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