A Girl On “Girls”: School Snacks and Robyn (S1/E3, “All Adventurous Women Do”)

This week’s episode of Girls, “All Adventurous Women Do,” was exponentially better than the last two.  There were jokes!  I had forgotten that Girls is a comedy, having been distracted by 1,000 articles about how Dunham is doing it wrong.  But a strong beginning (Charlie references The Craft!) gave way to a solid half an hour about a young woman trying—and mostly failing—to make it in the big city.

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A Girl On “Girls”: Gatorade and Casting all Stones (S1/E2, “Vagina Panic”)

I went into the second episode of Lena Dunham’s Girls with high hopes.  With a week between the abysmal first episode and this one, I figured I could try and look past some of my issues with the show, and the show would have settled into a more comfortable rhythm.  The opening scene between Hannah and Adam is immediately comedic, with the pair engaging in what looks to be bad sex that is also meant to be degrading, though Hannah […]

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A Guy on “Girls”: Derrick Rose, Geographical Woes, and Birbiglia, Bros! (S1/E2, “Vagina Panic”)

What in the the name of Dolores was going on in that cold opening? Full blown boning from the word go is not a problem. But on what planet is the go-to fantasy of Adam (Adam Driver) to have Hannah (Lena Dunham) role play as an eleven year old crack whore? This is not the Brooklyn I know and love, where the nights are long and the truffle oil flows like wine. Look: I’m not here to tell people what’s […]

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A Guy on “Girls”

Full disclosure: I watched “Pilot” through questionable, illegal means. But voluntarily writing a blog review of a show on a network I don’t have because I don’t own a TV or access to the network’s subscription service feels like both a fun challenge and connective tissue to Girls‘ lead character of Hannah (Lena Dunham), the broke, unpaid intern who’s still convinced that her viewpoint matters. “I’m busy, trying to become who I am” is Hannah’s blowoff to her folks after they […]

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