
Weekend Bites: Nick Cave to MTV, Nonrequired Reading, Wesley Stace, Soros Responds to Glenn Beck and More

Remember that time that Nick Cave told MTV that he didn’t want their stinking award? NY Tyrant takes the Best American Nonrequired Reading books to task at Vice. Wesley Stace talks to the New York Times. The cult of the sentence. George Soros finally responded to Glenn Beck’s (anti-Semitic) frequent attacks. Home cooking with Amy Sedaris. James Franco asks Judd Apatow how to host the Oscars. William F. Buckley on pot. NY Times Sunday Book Review Highlights Joyce Carol Oates’s […]

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America: Totally Killer

1. Glenn Beck’s new novel “The Overton Window” will debut at the top of the New York Times Bestsellers List for adult fiction on July 4th. This will be Beck’s sixth consecutive #1 bestseller. Publisher Simon & Schuster is saying that Beck is the only author to have had books debuts at the top of NYT’s lists for hardcover fiction, hardcover nonfiction, nonfiction paperback, and children’s picture book.  (Via) 2.

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Weekend Bites: Cocteau Cult, The Salinger Plan, Intellectual War, Shteyngart’s Free Food, Playboy Cartoons, and More

The cult of Cocteau Want to try being like J.D. Salinger?  Don’t pay taxes, tweet, or keep the same e-mail address.  If that doesn’t work, just freak out about tiny things. A Ticket to the Circus, Norris Church Mailer’s memoirs about seeing Norman Mailer in the nude, is reviewed.  I think I’ve already made up my mind on this one. Good book people on Twitter. On Gary Shteyngart and food. Gahn Wilson’s Playboy cartoons get the book treatment. Intellectual feud: […]

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Weekend Bites: Cusack on Hot Tub, Alex Ross Out of His Comfort Zone, Death of Journalism (School), NY Tyrant Does Franco, Will Self Debating, and More

Richard Metzger and John Cusack talk Hot Tub Time Machine: “I’ll quote David Letterman here: “I haven’t seen ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ but I know genius when I hear it, and ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ is genius.” I really prefer to think I’m committing new cinematic sins. With all of the rampantly heroic stupidity that can be mustered within the normal time constraints and the Hollywood studio system.” And you thought Alex Ross was all Bartók and Mahler… Is J […]

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Bites: Glenn Beck Likes Books, Daniel Nester, James Wood, Nerdcore, Klosterman on Balloon Boy, Kurt Vile, and More

Over at MobyLives, they talk about Glenn Beck being the new Oprah for a bunch of writers we could really care less about.  We wonder to ourselves if this post was just a genius ploy by Melville House to get Beck to notice Shoplifting From American Apparel? Lit. Daniel Nester and Vol. 1 Brooklyn contributor Claire Shefchik make nice after Shefchik reviews his book.  We think everything is going to be okay. James Wood talks about Thomas Pynchon’s characters.  Conversational […]

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Bites: Don Amazon, young adult steampunk, 2666 gets the paperback treatment, Johnnie Walker kicks Glenn Beck to the curb, 3rd Ward home cookin’, and more

“Amazon’s a modern day Don Quixote.” (Thanks Gawker) Lit. So now book bloggers have to report the books they get for review or face an $11,000 fine.  Ed Champion ain’t gonna stand for it! Is the term”young adult steampunk” at all related to The Pains of Being Heart song “Young Adult Friction”?   (Thanks Boing Boing) HTML Giant really likes writer Sarah Manguso A little book named 2666 is now in paperback. Lit Kicks does an eloquent job of summing […]

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