
Bites: Juliet Linderman Interviews Paul Auster, LOOK on Display, Wes Anderson’s Music Choices, and more

Juliet Linderman, managing editor of The Greenpoint Gazette and featured reader at last month’s Vol. 1 Storytelling anniversary party, has lovingly and skillfully interviewed Paul Auster for The Rumpus. It is “lovingly” done in the sense that she clearly holds the novelist to eminent, celebratory respect, and “skillful” in that she just did it really fucking well. And Auster upholds it with his writerly charm, eclipsing the recent unpleasing flavor left atop my literary taste buds by Cormac McCarthy.

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We Celebrated Being Us!

Last Thursday, our friends Juliet Linderman, Lev Grossman, Adam Wilson, John Wray, and of course Bob Powers, helped us celebrate one year of our live reading series, and the launch of this here website you are reading these words from. And while we could tell you about how much fun we had (lots), and how much we appreciated all the people who came out and their kind words (lots), we are just going to point you to Jami Attenberg’s blog, […]

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When Nerd Battles Go Both Wrong and Right at the Same Time

On Monday night, Vol. 1 Brooklyn presented the first Battle of the New York Nerds.  We thought “hey, this will be a nice way to settle the north vs. south Brooklyn battle with the help of two great local independent media crews”: Overflow Magazine and Greenpoint Gazette.  Good times were indeed had, but it was such a hotly contested outcome with the score being 22 to 22 3/4ths (in Greenpoint Gazette’s favor) that immediately after the event, our judges James […]

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Vol. 1 Brooklyn Presents: Battle of the New York Nerds

We decided it was high time to settle the war between the North and the South – of Brooklyn. Our two competitors for this inner-borough civil war include staff from the Greenpoint Gazette and Overflow Magazine. The pride of Williamsburg, Bushwick, and Greenpoint are on the line as the Gazetters, representing the northern section of Brooklyn, face off against the southerners of Overflow from the mean streets of Gowanus. These two teams will compete in a no-holds-barred battle of the […]

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