
I’m OK with the new Guided by Voices song

Posted by Jason Diamond The weird thing about Guided By Voices is that they never really started sucking at any point.  The problem was Robert Pollard’s knack for writing a dozen songs a day, and his lack of a crap barometer. Eventually that probably wore them down, and resulted in very sub-par work, but really, I can’t fault the guy for trying.  Especially because the good stuff GBV put out (especially their 90s output) is without challenge. So yes, I’m quite […]

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Morning Bites: MacArthur Grants, Live…Suburbia, Salman Rushdie’s tweets, Emma Straub’s tags, and more

A little preview of the very cool book Live… Suburbia!, coming out on Powerhouse Books at the end of the month. Emma Straub wrote something for Rookie that has the tags, 90210, first time, Friday Night Lights, sex, and TV. Upton Sinclair was born on this day in 1887, and so was Jelly Roll Morton, two years earlier, in 1885. Salman Rushdie is on Twitter.  No word if he’s following @Qwikster or not. The 2011 MacArthur Genius Grants have been […]

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