
Vol. 1 Brooklyn’s August 2021 Book Preview

August 2021 books

Well, it’s August. As you might expect, we have some recommended books for you this month. They don’t have a lot in common; if we were to choose a theme, we might point to an abundance of notable short story collections in this month’s recommendations, but again, these are a relatively wide-ranging bunch. But that also seems like par for the course right now: you might want to read something thought-provoking or you might want to read something escapist. Either way, we have you covered.

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Celebrate the Paperback Edition of Matt Dojny’s “The Festival of Earthly Delights” with Readings and Karaoke

We’re tremendous admirers of Matt Dojny‘s work, and we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be presenting the paperback release of his novel The Festival of Earthly Delights later this month. In a review of the novel at The Rumpus, Elizabeth Word Gutting noted that “there’s also no comparison to reading a novel that it’s clear a writer had a ton of fun writing.” Joining Dojny with readings will be Kathleen Alcott, Halimah Marcus, Jason Porter, and John Wray. Vol.1 Brooklyn’s Jason […]

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