
Hether Fortune on Poetry, Shoegaze, and the Return of Wax Idols

The music made by Wax Idols is equally visceral and melodic, and can shift from one to the other at a moment’s notice. Their new album, Happy Ending, is due out on May 16th, and they’ll be venturing out on tour later this year. For the group’s founder, Hether Fortune, that’s one of several things keeping her busy: she released her first collection of poetry earlier this year, and has also been making forays into visual art. I spoke with […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s January 2018 Book Preview

Well, it’s the start of a new year. Ostensibly, it’s a time for resolutions, for carefully mapping out goals and milemarkers for the months to come. It’s also, as we write these words, brutally cold, and thus the perfect time to find somewhere warm and sit down with a good book. Thankfully, January has plenty of excellent-looking ones due out that should get you through this cold spell, and the cold spells still to come. 

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