
Tao Lin’s Muumuu House: Romantic Realism in Two Books of Poetry

Literary realism, like most literary classifications, is vague and ambiguous and difficult to define. In some capacity, it can be characterized as a reaction against, or an answer to, literary romanticism. The current state of affairs is such that panic ensues with every newspaper that closes its doors and Armageddon is exclaimed when new ideas like Twitter proliferate. Killings are over- or under-aggrandized, depending. Wars are either heroic or dastardly; even having no stance is a taking a stance. The […]

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Coming up: A night of Heartworm Press

On August 8th,Heartworm Press will be presenting a night that showcases music and spoken pieces from a group of artists connected to the Philadelphia-based indie press at Santos Party House. The lineup in pretty impressive to say the least, and includes a live set by Cold Cave, whose upcoming record, Love Comes Close, will end up being on a few “best of” lists at the end of 2009. Speaking (among others) will be underground noise legend Gensis P-Orridge (Throbbing Gristle/Psychic […]

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Conversation: OVERFLOW Magazine

There is a Twitter account called Themediaisdying, which has 20,000 followers, most of whom believe – I think it’s safe to assume – that media is in fact going the way of the dodo, dinosaur, and DeLorean. While nothing to sneeze at, I couldn’t help thinking that the twenty grand they’ve collected in followers is probably a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people who still get their news from more “traditional” media outlets. That 20K, however, […]

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