
Bites: Typewriters, “The Man”, Infinite Summer has some competition, Julia Childs is on top, Dinosaur Jr. rock Cape Cod, GreenPunk, and more

Boing Boing appreciates an old, forgotten typewriter. McSweeney’s shakes things up by interviewing “The Man”. Infinite Summer make way for Finite Summer. I wish they would have stopped at “The world certainly doesn’t need another comedy starring Michael Cera as a hapless teenager blundering his way into improbable sexual encounters“. Julia Childs has finally made it. According to The Millions, Quentin Tarantino, “thinks like a writer.” The New Yorker on Quentin’s pal (and one of the stars of “Inglourious Basterds”) […]

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Bites: Typewriters, “The Man,” Infinite Summer has some competition, Julia Childs is on top, Dinosaur Jr. rock Cape Cod, GreenPunk, and more

Boing Boing appreciates an old, forgotten typewriter. McSweeney’s shakes things up by interviewing “The Man”. Infinite Summer make way for Finite Summer. I wish they would have stopped at “The world certainly doesn’t need another comedy starring Michael Cera as a hapless teenager blundering his way into improbable sexual encounters“. Julia Childs has finally made it. According to The Millions, Quentin Tarantino, “thinks like a writer.” The New Yorker on Quentin’s pal (and one of the stars of “Inglourious Basterds”), Eli […]

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Bites: Pixar, Joy Division-New Order-Hacienda, Infinite Jest, new bookstores

New Order/Joy Division bassist Peter Hook has written a tell-all book about the famous Manchester club The Haçienda that was the epicenter of the “Madchester” sound in the late 80’s and early 90’s titled; The Hacienda: How Not to Run a Club (Simon & Schuster). According to Pitchfork however, the book might be a little too juicy. A new independent bookstore, Greenlight Bookstore, will be opening in Fort Greene in the Fall. In a time where people need these resources […]

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