
Other Systems: An Interview With Rebecca Gates

Interview by Tobias Carroll It’s hard to know where to begin when talking about the music of Rebecca Gates. Her work with the Spinanes yielded three excellent albums — Manos, Arches and Aisles, and the sublime Strand — as well as a handful of EPs. (And right about here, I’ll point you in the direction of Carl Wilson’s essay on the song “Hawaiian Baby,” as both essay and song are fantastic.) 2001 saw the release of her solo debut Ruby […]

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Talking to Meaghan O’Connell: Editor, Coming & Crying

Posted by Jason Diamond I feel like other people have had more interesting things to say about Coming & Crying.  An example would be this thing that Emily Gould wrote for MIT. I’m interested in the entire project that Meaghan O’Connell and Gira Grant started from the ground up, and eventually turned into a really incredibly anthology.  I think it’s safe to say that Coming & Crying is both a success story in progress, as well as a book full […]

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