
Afternoon Bites: Chats With Vanessa Veselka and Julia Wertz, Ranking the Bond Novels, Inside Keret House, and More

Julia Wertz talked with The Comics Reporter about her new collection The Infinite Wait. Book Riot ranked Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels. Vanessa Veselka chatted with The American Reader. The New York Times takes us inside Keret House. Edan Lepucki makes the case that literary fiction is a genre. Roxane Gay was interviewed on the subject of short stories. Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi’s Fra Keeler is out now on The Dorothy Project, and The Collagist has an excerpt. New fiction from J.A. Tyler […]

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Afternoon Bites: Unfilmable Books, Shane Jones Flash Fiction, LeVar Burton, and more

The Believer is interviewing Chris Onstad. We heartily approve. LeVar Burton talks to Hero Complex about his career in television and — relevant to this site — bringing back Reading Rainbow. Shane Jones has new flash fiction up at Tin House. And Jac Jemc has a novel excerpt up at Two Serious Ladies. The AV Club looks at good films made from theoretically unfilmable books. At The Lit Pub, J/J Hastain on J.A. Tyler’s A Shiny Unused Heart: “This is one […]

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Gigantic gets a pretty new website

They hipped us on Gary Shteyngart’s love of smoked meats, featured an in-depth conversation between Tao Lin and Malcolm Gladwell, and pretty much just blew our minds with their first issue. Now, the folks at Gigantic are staking their claim on the interweb with a pretty new website that has art from New York Times Magazine featured artist Thomas Doyle, Shya Scanlon’s latest installment of his internet-serialized novel Forecast and new fiction from J.A. Tyler. Go check it out here.

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