A Year of Favorites: Tobias Carroll

I always get something wrong in these. There’s generally one book that I utterly forget to include, remember two days later, and curse myself for leaving out. And this year, I’m throwing in some thoughts on music, so that should offer even more opportunities for retrospective regret. I’m getting in just under the wire with this one, yes indeed.

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Endings After the End of the World: An Interview With Jeff Jackson

Novi Sad, Jeff Jackson‘s haunting followup to his debut novel Mira Corpora, begins in a familiar place and rapidly defies expectations. In it, a group of friends take refuge in an abandoned hotel in a city and wait for the world to end. What follows involves a constantly shifting interpersonal dynamic, blurred identities, and an upending of what one might think constitutes the end of the world. It’s a powerful story told atmospherically, and it’s aided in this by the […]

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