
Morning Bites: Stop Calling It Presidents’ Day, Anthony Shadid Excerpt, Adam Wilson, And More

The Christian Science Monitor wants you to stop calling today Presidents Day. To Jonathan Franzen, Jeffrey Eugenides, and all other “Big Swinging Dick writers.”  Love, The Huffington Post. Rozalia Jovanovic spends an evening with Adam Wilson, Ben Marcus, and Bookforum at the New Museum. Speaking of Adam Wilson: An interview with Brad Listi at the Other People podcast. Roxane Gay is reviewed at The Rumpus. “They were two lines from a poem by William Butler Yeats: “Those that I fight I […]

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Morning Bites: NYRB almost at 50, Person of the Year, Women in famous novels, Updike’s house, Ted Leo’s faves, and more

The Protestor is the Time magazine Person of the Year.  The magazine’s managing editor, Kurt Andersen, explains why. The Atlantic takes a look at 50 or so fantastic years of the New York Review of Books. At The Nervous Breakdown: Sabina Murray on the women of famous novels by Jonathan Franzen and Jeffrey Eugenides. David Haglund at Slate wonders if people pay more for houses once owned by famous writers?  With that, Vol. 1 is ready to bid one trillion dollars on […]

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Morning Bites: Samovar reading, Literary tote bag fever, Attenberg’s year, Sandburg’s house, and more

I guess before winter comes that the cold winds have to rise. At least that’s what the Game of Thrones trailer leads me to believe. Ellen Ullman and Will Hermes read at the Russian Samovar tonight. Sadie Stein (who is reading at our Greatest 3-Minute Stories About the 90s event on Weds.) talks to the New York Times about tote bags.  Remember that time when we talked about what your literary tote bag says about you?  John Mayer reviews Jeffrey Eugenides. […]

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Morning Bites: Flannery in ’59, Eugenides in England, Neal Stephenson in the Times, Wayne Koestenbaum, and more

A 1959 recording of Flannery O’Connor reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” Jeffrey Eugenides hangs out in England and makes a video. Wayne Koestenbaum is interviewed on The Bat Segundo Show. The Nervous Breakdown gives us their 2011 Nobbies, and it’s a fine list. Cyberpunk writer Neal Stephenson is profiled in the New York Times. Jonathan Lethem on Philip K. Dick. Forever 21 has pulled the Flipper shirt. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, and our Tumblr.

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Morning Bites: Ghost signs, Kio Stark, Ian MacKaye talks archive, Quintron, and more

A new book chronicles the fading “ghost signs” of New York City. Jeffrey Eugenides is Michael Silverblatt’s latest guest on Bookworm. Kio Stark thinks you to learn anything without going back to school. Salon does a roundup of great indie bookstores. Mayor Michael Blooberg sucks more and more every day. At Pitchfork, Brandon Stosuy talks to Ian MacKaye about the Fugazi live show archive. Quintron and Miss Pussycat are back. Daniel Blumberg from Yuck has some artwork he’d like to […]

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Morning Bites: Camus the (almost) Jew, Marriage Plot movie, Lethem’s week, new Walkmen, and more

Scott Rudin bought the rights to Jeffrey Eugenides’ bestselling novel The Marriage Plot.  Remember back in the day (3 weeks ago) when HBO was buying every book that ever came out? Albert Camus: almost a Jew. Giancarlo DiTrapano (New York Tyrant) is interviewed at Dark Sky Magazine. Writer and organizer of literary events in Hudson, NY, Chloe Caldwell, is interviewed by Electric Literature. Jonathan Lethem’s book of essays, The Ecstasy of Influence, is reviewed. Lethem is visiting the People’s Library at Occupy […]

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