
Bluestockings Tosses Out Showpaper

      Allegedly, the Lower East Side bookstore Bluestockings, tossed out 1,500 copies of the monthly local rock list, Showpaper [Note: the above image is the image from the front of the current Showpaper].    Not sure what the deal is, but our buddy Jesse Hlebo curated the series in question as part of an exhibition at the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts called Short-Term Deviation: “Someone at Bluestocking’s was offended by the Showpaper cover image that Borden Capalino […]

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Swill Children Not Going to Shake Things Up Too Much

Last week on Impose, I wrote about Jesse Hlebo starting up his new label, Swill Children.  While I wasn’t 100% sure what he meant by “label”, I knew it had something to do with music, and I had hoped Hlebo would continue to produce the wonderful _ Quarterly which I discussed in August.  He cleared everything up in an e mail. The label is called Swill Children and I’m referring to it as an umbrella, since it encompasses many things […]

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